Association Musulmane de Lachine
1220, rue Notre-Dame Lachine Montréal (Québec) H8S 2C6

Arabic language school

The Arabic language school is an activity administered by the Muslim Association of Lachine, it is offered to children aged between five and twelve. These courses take place in three distinct levels including a preparatory class.Each class has on average sixteen students who benefit from a course taking place over three hours every weekend allowing them to acquire the skills of learning the Arabic language as well as to acquire advanced methods of reading and writing.
The teaching staff is composed of five teachers and a general director. The latter manages and ensures that all learning aspects are met, she also maintains the communications with all parents. The members of the school team use a large choice of subjects, styles and methods for achieving the best outcome.

Contact Info

1220, Notre-Dame
Lachine Montréal (Québec) H8S 2C4
Phone: 514 245-3081

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Beginner Level

Educational Activities

Age: 5-6 years

Intermediate Level

Writing & Reading

Age : 7-9 years

Advanced Level

Reading & Formulation

Age: 9-12 years


For any information & registration please contact the school director
Tel: 514 538-3862